
Welcome to Mr. Hughes's Catcher in the Rye blog! You will use this site as a sounding board for your thoughts and reflections as you follow our protagonist, Holden Caulfield, on his physical and emotional journey through the streets of New York City.

Chapter 3 Discussion Question

Compare Holden's desire for individuality with that of teenagers today.  What are some of the ways modern teenagers express their individuality?


  1. Ackley doesn't represent himself very well. He doesn't take care of himself, and his outward appearance doesn't do him any good. His teeth are yellow and crooked on account of him never brushing his teeth, so yellow people cringe at the sight of his mouth, and his face is full of popped, and red pimples. By reading chapter three, I can already tell Ackley is very immature and isn't the nicest of people. He hates almost everyone, and acts like he's some hot shot. On the other hand, he is tall, awkward, and sort of a loner, and I can't help but feel bad for him. Ackley is distracting to the point where you can not get anything done around him, Holden recalls. All in all, Ackley wouldn't be my first choice as a friend.

    By Lucas and EMily

  2. Holden’s desire for individuality expresses who he is. During the 1950’s many people didn’t want to stand out and if they did they kept it to themselves. That is why there is something very real about Holden’s character that people enjoy to read about. His personality also can relate to what teenagers go through today. Holden choses to stand out in society therefore he bought a red flamboyant hat to be unique from everyone else. Many teenagers today express their need for change and individuality in many ways, some being through clothing, attitude or friends. Holden also likes to be a “rebel” which is similar to teenagers today.
    -Paige Scanlan and Katherine Karle

  3. In a time where teenagers were expected to be well rounded, intelligent, respectful young men and women, the character of Holden Caufield was a shock to parents and adults for his rebellion, and arrogance. 60 years later, there are some similarities between Holden Caufield and teenagers today. One of them is the rebellion. While Holden's idea of rebellion was not doing his work and insulting others, teenager's ideas today include those and things such as going out late and cutting class. Teenagers today also are more prone to being disrespectful to authority. Holden Caufield, in my opinion, is one of the people that authority look to when talking about their own child's rebellions. Say what you want, but Holden Caufield definitely inspired change in teenagers.

  4. Holden’s desire for individuality expresses who he is. He wears a red flamboyant hat to stand out and be unique from everyone else. This is how he relates to teenagers today in hopes of being different. Teenagers today express their individuality in different ways. Many people try to fit in so they don’t do much to change themselves but those who do are classified as “weird”. One way teenagers do this is by the way they talk, who they associate with, what they wear, and how they present themselves. The way he acts makes people able to relate to real life because of his personality and attitude.

  5. Holden puts forth lots of effort to try and be an individual. He buys a red hunting hat in New York that is extremely unique and unlike many of the other types of hats and accessories that other teenage boys his age wear. Today, many teenagers try to express themselves through their clothes and how they present themselves to others in general. Also, modern teenagers try to rebel and go against society, the same way that Holden is trying to do in the novel. By: Gabby and Brooke

  6. Holden is a very unique individual. He is very similar to teenagers today who express themselves in their own ways. Today, many kids represent their style through clothing, interests, and music. Holden expresses himself through his attitude and cothing, for example the red hat. His red hat is way for him to be unique. The desire for kids to be indiviudals will never change.

  7. Holden expesses himself with the red hunter's hat. The hat makes him stand out and be different, which is what every teenager does. Modern day teenages expresses themselves by their clothes, their music, rebelious actions, their adittude, and the activities they choose to participate in. Every teenager goes through a rough patch, it's part of our development. It is completely normal.

  8. Holdens desires to be an individual are similar to the ones that modern teenagers have today. In chapter three, Holden ends up buying a red hunting hat on his trip to New York. This hat is bright red and different from any hat that anyone has at Pency Prep. The hat represents his desire to be an individual in a world of phonies. Today, teenagers try to rebel and go against what is expected of them, by wearing certain clothes, and acting a certain way.

  9. Holden expresses his individuality by buying the red hunting hat. He feels different and unique while wearing it and likes how it looks on him. This can relate to teenagers now because teens like to be "unique" and usually do crazy things to be unique. Any of these things could be clothes, hairstyles, shoes, music, etc. Many teenagers, back then and now, like to go against the system. Holden definitely goes against society, just like many teens do today.

  10. In the 1950s, self-expression was difficult because everyone was expected to fit into a cookie-cutter mold of a person. Holden, however, chooses to intentionally be the polar opposite of the accepted teenager. He sees the insincerity all around him, and decides to have no part of it. Even though he seems well-read, he keeps dropping out or getting kicked out of schools because he hates the whole system and refuses to try. He buys a bright red hunting hat, and wears it around despite what people say. He seems to go out of his way to distance himself from what he is expected to be. In modern day, teenagers express themselves through the way they dress, their sports and hobbies, and the people they choose to spend time with. To rebel, teenagers may act, dress, or talk in a way society doesn't accept.

  11. Holden expresses himself through the red hunting hat. It's bold and it makes him stand out against a bunch of the people at Pency Prep.Today teenagers express themselves through the music they listen to, the clothing they wear, the activities they participate in and maybe the crowd they belong to. It's all apart of the urge to be an individual but at the same time not be an outcast , well only if that's your thing. I think that teenagers today can relate a lot to Holden in the sense of wanting to be themselves, and express themselves, its very similar
